Advanced Server Settings

Plex Media Server has a number of advanced server settings that are not accessible from the Plex interface. Some settings can be accessed using the Plex Web App, while others can only be changed from outside of the Web app.

Most users, however, will not need to change these Plex server settings, and doing so can cause problems with your Plex Media server. If you would like to find and change these settings, you can use the information below.

Some of these settings are changed when you modify them to the suggested server settings.

Advanced Server Settings in Plex

Location of the advanced server settings

The location of the advanced server settings in Plex is different for each of the supported operating systems. For Windows, the settings are located in the registry, while other operating systems have a file in the data directory.

The table below outlines where you can find the location of the Plex config file containing these server settings.

Plex Media Server Advanced Settings
Setting NameValue
ABRKeepOldTranscodes (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
AcceptedEULA (Hidden)Summary: Has the user accepted the EULA.
Type: bool
Default: 0
allowedHttpOrigins (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
Group: network
allowedNetworksSummary: Comma separated list of IP addresses or IP/netmask entries for networks that are allowed to access Plex Media Server without logging in. When the server is signed out and this value is set, only localhost and addresses on this list will be allowed.
Type: text
Group: network (advanced)
AllowHighOutputBitrates (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 1
allowMediaDeletionSummary: The owner of the server will be allowed to delete media files from disk.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: library (advanced)
allowMediaDeletionLanOnly (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: library
ArticleStrings (Hidden)Summary: Comma-separated list of strings considered articles when sorting titles. A server restart is required for a change to take effect.
Type: text
Default: the,das,der,a,an,el,la
autoEmptyTrashSummary: Empty trash automatically after every scan.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: library
AwayModeSupportedSummary: Support Away Mode when preventing system sleep.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: general (advanced)
BackgroundQueueIdlePaused (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
ButlerDatabaseBackupPathSummary: The directory in which database backups are stored.
Type: text
Default: {Data Directory}\Plex Media Server\Plug-in Support\Databases
Group: butler (advanced)
ButlerEndHourSummary: The time at which the background maintenance tasks stop running.
Type: int
Default: 5
Allowed Values: 0:0꞉00|1:1꞉00|2:2꞉00|3:3꞉00|4:4꞉00|5:5꞉00|6:6꞉00|7:7꞉00|8:8꞉00|9:9꞉00|10:10꞉00|11:11꞉00|12:12꞉00|13:13꞉00|14:14꞉00|15:15꞉00|16:16꞉00|17:17꞉00|18:18꞉00|19:19꞉00|20:20꞉00|21:21꞉00|22:22꞉00|23:23꞉00
Group: butler
ButlerStartHourSummary: The time at which the server starts running background maintenance tasks.
Type: int
Default: 2
Allowed Values: 0:0꞉00|1:1꞉00|2:2꞉00|3:3꞉00|4:4꞉00|5:5꞉00|6:6꞉00|7:7꞉00|8:8꞉00|9:9꞉00|10:10꞉00|11:11꞉00|12:12꞉00|13:13꞉00|14:14꞉00|15:15꞉00|16:16꞉00|17:17꞉00|18:18꞉00|19:19꞉00|20:20꞉00|21:21꞉00|22:22꞉00|23:23꞉00
Group: butler
ButlerTaskBackupDatabaseSummary: Backup database every three days.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: butler
ButlerTaskCleanOldBundlesSummary: Remove old bundles every week.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: butler
ButlerTaskCleanOldCacheFilesSummary: Remove old cache files every week.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: butler
ButlerTaskDeepMediaAnalysisSummary: Perform extensive media analysis during maintenance.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: butler
ButlerTaskGarbageCollectBlobs (Hidden)Summary: Perform cleanup on blobs database.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: butler
ButlerTaskGenerateMediaIndexFiles (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
ButlerTaskOptimizeDatabaseSummary: Optimize database every week.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: butler
ButlerTaskRefreshEpgGuides (Hidden)Summary: Perform refresh of program guide data.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: butler
ButlerTaskRefreshLibrariesSummary: Update all libraries during maintenance.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: butler
ButlerTaskRefreshLocalMediaSummary: Refresh local metadata every three days.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: butler
ButlerTaskRefreshPeriodicMetadataSummary: Refresh library metadata periodically.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: butler
ButlerTaskUpdateScheduled (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: general
ButlerTaskUpdateServerSummary: Server version updates.
Type: text
Default: askme
Allowed Values: askme:Ask me|always:Automatically during scheduled maintenance
Group: general
ButlerTaskUpdateVersionSkipped (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
Group: general
ButlerTaskUpgradeMediaAnalysisSummary: Upgrade media analysis during maintenance.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: butler
ButlerUpdateChannelSummary: Server update Channel (Plex Pass).
Type: text
Default: 16
Allowed Values: 0:Public|8:Beta
Group: general
CertificateUUID (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
CertificateVersion (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 2
CinemaTrailersFromBluRaySummary: This feature is Plex Pass only.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: extras
CinemaTrailersFromLibrarySummary: Include Cinema Trailers from movies in my library.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: extras
CinemaTrailersFromTheaterSummary: This feature is Plex Pass only.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: extras
CinemaTrailersIncludeEnglishSummary: Always include English language Cinema Trailers for trailers of movies not in my library.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: extras
CinemaTrailersPrerollIDSummary: Enter the full path to the pre-roll video file. If multiple paths separated by commas are entered, videos will be played sequentially. If multiple paths separated by semi-colons are used, a single pre-roll video will be chosen randomly from the list.
Type: text
Group: extras (advanced)
CinemaTrailersTypeSummary: Choose Cinema Trailers from.
Type: int
Default: 1
Allowed Values: 0:All movies|1:Only unwatched movies
Group: extras
ConfigurationUrl (Hidden)Summary: Web Manager URL.
Type: text
Default: /web
Group: network
customCertificateDomainSummary: Domain name to be published to using your mapped port; must match a name from the custom certificate file.
Type: text
Group: network (advanced)
customCertificateKeySummary: Custom certificate encryption key.
Type: text
Group: network (advanced)
customCertificatePathSummary: Path to a PKCS #12 file containing a certificate and private key to enable TLS support on a custom domain.
Type: text
Group: network (advanced)
customConnectionsSummary: A comma-separated list of URLs (http or https) which are published up to for server discovery.
Type: text
Group: network (advanced)
DatabaseCacheSizeSummary: Set the size of the main database cache size in MB. Changes take effect when server is restarted.
Type: int
Default: 40
Group: library (advanced)
DisableTLSv1_0Summary: Disables legacy weak ciphers, increases DH group size, and switches to ECDSA certificates when renewing. May prevent older clients from connecting.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: network (advanced)
DlnaAnnouncementLeaseTimeSummary: Duration in seconds of DLNA Server SSDP announcement lease time.
Type: int
Default: 1800
Group: dlna (advanced)
DlnaClientPreferencesSummary: Client-specific configuration settings for the DLNA server.
Type: text
Group: dlna (advanced)
DlnaDefaultProtocolInfoSummary: Protocol info string used in GetProtocolInfo responses by the DLNA server.
Type: text
Default: http-get:*:video/mpeg:*,http-get:*:video/mp4:*,http-get:*:video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts:*,http-get:*:video/avi:*,http-get:*:video/x-matroska:*,http-get:*:video/x-ms-wmv:*,http-get:*:video/wtv:*,http-get:*:audio/mpeg:*,http-get:*:audio/mp3:*,http-get:*:audio/mp4:*,http-get:*:audio/x-ms-wma*,http-get:*:audio/wav:*,http-get:*:audio/L16:*,http-get:*image/jpeg:*,http-get:*image/png:*,http-get:*image/gif:*,http-get:*image/tiff:*
Group: dlna (advanced)
DlnaDescriptionIconsSummary: Icons offered by DLNA server when devices request server description.
Type: text
Default: png,jpeg;260x260,120x120,48x48
Group: dlna (advanced)
DlnaDeviceDiscoveryIntervalSummary: Number of seconds between DLNA media renderer discovery requests.
Type: int
Default: 60
Group: dlna (advanced)
DlnaEnabledSummary: This allows the server to stream media to DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) devices.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: dlna
DlnaPlatinumLoggingLevel (Hidden)Summary: DLNA server logging level.
Type: text
Default: OFF
Group: dlna
DlnaReportTimelineSummary: Enable the DLNA server to report timelines for video play activity.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: dlna (advanced)
DvrComskipKeepOriginal (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
DvrComskipRemoveIntermediates (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 1
DvrIncrementalEpgLoader (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
DvrShowUnsupportedDevices (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
EnableABRDebugOverlay (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
EnableDatabaseTrace (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
EnableIPv6Summary: Enable server support for IPv6.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: network (advanced)
enableLocalSecurity (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: -1
EnablePinAuth (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 1
EpgUseSelectedProvider (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
EyeQUser (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
ForceABRDisabled (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
forceAutoAdjustQuality (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
FriendlyNameSummary: This name will be used to identify this media server to other computers on your network. If you leave it blank, your computer's name will be used instead.
Type: text
Group: general
FSEventLibraryPartialScanEnabledSummary: When changes to library folders are detected, only scan the folder that changed.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: library (advanced)
FSEventLibraryUpdatesEnabledSummary: Your library will be updated automatically when changes to library folders are detected.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: library
GdmEnabledSummary: This enables the media server to discover other servers and players on the local network.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: network
GenerateBIFBehaviorSummary: Video preview thumbnails provide live updates in Now Playing and while seeking on supported apps. Thumbnail generation may take a long time, cause high CPU usage, and consume additional disk space. You can turn off thumbnail generation for individual libraries in the library's advanced settings.
Type: text
Default: never
Allowed Values: never:never|scheduled:as a scheduled task|asap:as a scheduled task and when media is added
Group: library
GenerateBIFFrameInterval (Hidden)Summary: The time (in seconds) between each video preview frame.
Type: int
Default: 2
Group: library
GenerateBIFKeyframesOnly (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 1
GenerateChapterThumbBehaviorSummary: Chapter thumbnails provide images in the chapter view on supported apps. They can take a long time to generate and consume additional disk space.
Type: text
Default: scheduled
Allowed Values: never:never|scheduled:as a scheduled task|asap:as a scheduled task and when media is added
Group: library
GenerateCreditsMarkerBehaviorSummary: Detects movie and episode end credits.
Type: text
Default: asap
Allowed Values: never:never|scheduled:as a scheduled task|asap:as a scheduled task and when media is added
Group: library
GenerateIndexFilesDuringAnalysis (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
GenerateIntroMarkerBehaviorSummary: Detects show intros, exposing the 'Skip Intro' button in clients.
Type: text
Default: asap
Allowed Values: never:never|scheduled:as a scheduled task|asap:as a scheduled task and when media is added
Group: library
GenerateVADBehaviorSummary: Detects voice activity data for movies and episodes. This is used to help syncronize subtitles to the audio track. This detection can be toggled per-library by editing the individual library and navigating to the advanced section.
Type: text
Default: never
Allowed Values: never:never|scheduled:as a scheduled task|asap:as a scheduled task and when media is added
Group: library
GlobalMusicVideoPathSummary: A global path to music videos for all music libraries.
Type: text
Group: extras (advanced)
HardwareAcceleratedCodecsSummary: Plex Media Server will attempt to use hardware-accelerated video codecs when encoding and decoding video. Hardware acceleration can make transcoding faster and allow more simultaneous video transcodes, but it can also reduce video quality and compatibility.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: transcoder
HardwareAcceleratedEncodersSummary: If hardware acceleration is enabled, this controls whether it's used for encoding, in addition to decoding.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: transcoder (advanced)
HardwareDevicePathSummary: The GPU or other hardware device that will be used for transcoding.
Type: text
Allowed Values: :Auto|8086%3a0152%3a17aa%3a3084:Intel(R) HD Graphics
Group: transcoder (advanced)
iTunesLibraryXmlPathSummary: iTunes library XML path.
Type: text
Group: library (advanced)
iTunesSharingEnabledSummary: A server restart is required for a change to take effect.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: library (advanced)
JobsLaunchDebug (Hidden)Summary: Launch jobs in debug mode.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: general
LanguageInCloud (Hidden)Summary: Use language preferences from
Type: bool
Default: 0
LanNetworksBandwidthSummary: Comma separated list of IP addresses or IP/netmask entries for networks that will be considered to be on the local network when enforcing bandwidth restrictions. If set, all other IP addresses will be considered to be on the external network and will be subject to external network bandwidth restrictions. If left blank, only the server's subnet is considered to be on the local network.
Type: text
Group: network (advanced)
LastAutomaticMappedPort (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 0
LibraryDefaultVisibility (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 0
Group: library
LibraryVideoPlayedAtBehaviourSummary: Decide whether to use end credits markers to determine the 'watched' state of video items. When markers are not available the selected threshold percentage will be used.
Type: text
Default: 3
Allowed Values: 0:at selected threshold percentage|1:at final credits marker position|2:at first credits marker position|3:earliest between threshold percent and first credits marker
Group: library (advanced)
LibraryVideoPlayedThresholdSummary: Set the progress percentage for video playback at which point the video will be marked as played.
Type: int
Default: 90
Allowed Values: 70:70%|75:75%|80:80%|85:85%|90:90%|95:95%
Group: library (advanced)
LocalAppDataPath (Hidden) (Windows only)Summary: The path where local application data is stored.
Type: text
LocationVisibilitySummary: Server owners may wish to restrict who can see location names for items which contain geolocation metadata. By default only the server owner will have visibility of these.
Type: int
Default: 1
Allowed Values: 1:admin only|2:everyone
Group: library
logDebugSummary: Debug logging enables additional detail in the log files and is helpful in diagnosing problems.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: general (advanced)
LogMemoryUse (Hidden)Summary: Logging of the Plex Media Server memory use and the system total used memory in Plex Media Server logs. A server restart is required for the change to take effect.
Type: bool
Default: 0
LogSynchronous (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
LogTokensForDebug (Hidden)Summary: Media server tokens can be used to gain access to library content. Don't share logs containing tokens publicly. A server restart is required for a change to take effect.
Type: bool
Default: 0
LogVerboseSummary: Verbose logging is only useful to debug specific issues and should only be enabled if requested by support staff.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: general (advanced)
LongRunningJobThreads (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 0
LoudnessAnalysisBehaviorSummary: Loudness analysis allows various features, such as loudness leveling and smart transitions. It can take a long time to complete when analyzing many tracks, and cause high CPU usage.
Type: text
Default: scheduled
Allowed Values: never:never|scheduled:as a scheduled task|asap:as a scheduled task and when media is added
Group: library
LoudnessAnalysisThreads (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 0
LoudnessReplayGainStyle (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
MachineIdentifier (Hidden)Summary: A unique identifier for the machine.
Type: text
ManualPortMappingMode (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
ManualPortMappingPort (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 32400
MarkerSourceSummary: Credits markers can be generated locally and/or retrieved via an online database. Online markers may not always exist, if this preference is set to 'both' then any locally detected markers are submitted anonymously back to the online database for future use.
Type: text
Default: any
Allowed Values: any:both, try online first|cloud:only online (no local detection)|local:local detection only
Group: library (advanced)
MediaServerManagerAllowHttp (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
MergedRecentlyAdded (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
MetadataUseDevProvider (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
MinimumProgressTime (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 60000
Group: general
MinutesAllowedPausedSummary: Value is in minutes. Terminate any sessions which have been paused for a longer time than specified amount of time. Audio-only sessions and live sessions are excluded.
Type: int
Default: 0
Group: network (advanced)
MusicAnalysisBehaviorSummary: Sonic analysis allows various features, such as track radio. It can take a long time to complete when analyzing many tracks, and cause high CPU usage.
Type: text
Default: scheduled
Allowed Values: never:never|scheduled:as a scheduled task|asap:as a scheduled task and when media is added
Group: library
MusicSeparateAlbumTypesSummary: Group into LPs, EPs & Singles, Compilations, Live Albums, Demos and Remixes.
Type: text
Default: enabled
Allowed Values: disabled:disabled|enabled:enabled
Group: library (advanced)
omxdecExtraOutBufs (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 0
Group: transcoder
OnDeckIncludePremieresSummary: New season premieres will always appear no matter how many weeks have passed since watching.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: library (advanced)
OnDeckLimitSummary: Limits the number of shows which will appear Continue Watching. Setting it too high can affect performance.
Type: int
Default: 40
Group: library (advanced)
OnDeckWindowSummary: Media that has not been watched in this many weeks will not appear in Continue Watching.
Type: int
Default: 16
Group: library (advanced)
PlexOnlineMail (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
PlexOnlineUrl (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
PlexWebAuthUrl (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
PlexWebDesktopUrl (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
PluginsLaunchDebug (Hidden)Summary: Launch plugins in debug mode.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: channels
PluginsLaunchTimeout (Hidden)Summary: Number of seconds to wait before a plugin times out.
Type: int
Default: 180
Group: channels
PreferredNetworkInterfaceSummary: The network interface local clients will use to connect.
Type: text
Allowed Values: :Any|{interface}
Group: network (advanced)
PublishServerOnPlexOnlineKey (Hidden)Summary: Publishing a server makes it automatically available on your client devices without any configuration of your router.
Type: bool
Default: 0
PushNotificationsEnabledSummary: Allow this server to send push notifications to mobile devices. Note: Push notifications are delivered using Plex services. They're associated with your account, and some of them may contain information about the contents of your library.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: general
RadioDaysSinceLastPlayed (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 2
RadioDirectoryLimit (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 50
RadioDirectoryThreshold (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 15
RadioTopTracksPerAlbum (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 3
RelayEnabledSummary: The Relay allows connections to the server through a proxy relay when the server is not accessible otherwise. Note: this proxy relay is bandwidth limited.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: network (advanced)
ScannerLowPrioritySummary: Run scanner tasks at a lower priority.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: library (advanced)
ScheduledLibraryUpdateIntervalSummary: Library scan interval.
Type: int
Default: 3600
Allowed Values: 900:every 15 minutes|1800:every 30 minutes|3600:hourly|7200:every 2 hours|21600:every 6 hours|43200:every 12 hours|86400:daily
Group: library
ScheduledLibraryUpdatesEnabledSummary: Scan my library periodically.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: library
secureConnectionsSummary: When set to "Required", some unencrypted connections (originating from the Media Server computer) will still be allowed and apps that don't support secure connections will not be able to connect at all.
Type: int
Default: 1
Allowed Values: 1:Preferred|0:Required
Group: network (advanced)
SegmentedTranscoderTimeout (Hidden)Summary: Timeout in seconds segmented transcodes wait for the transcoder to begin writing data.
Type: int
Default: 20
Group: transcoder
sendCrashReportsSummary: This helps us improve your experience.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: general
SetupLanguageCode (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 1033
SmartShuffleMusicSummary: Smart shuffling prefers highly rated, popular and less recently heard tracks.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: library (advanced)
SubtitlesPersistIfAdmin (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
SyncMPRootDirectoryOverride (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
SyncMyPlexLoginGCDeferral (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 14400
SyncPagingItemsLimit (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 100
SystemAudioCodecs (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: transcoder
TranscodeCountLimitSummary: Limit the number of simultaneous video transcode streams your server can utilize.
Type: int
Default: 0
Allowed Values: 0:Unlimited|1:1|2:2|3:3|4:4|5:5|6:6|7:7|8:8|9:9|10:10|11:11|12:12|13:13|14:14|15:15|16:16|17:17|18:18|19:19|20:20
Group: transcoder
TranscoderCanOnlyRemuxVideoSummary: Disable transcoding of the video stream in transcoder operations. With this set, the transcoder may still transcode audio as well as remux video.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: transcoder (advanced)
TranscoderDefaultDuration (Hidden)Summary: Duration in minutes to use when transcoding something with an unknown duration.
Type: int
Default: 120
Group: transcoder
TranscoderH264BackgroundPresetSummary: The x264 preset value used for background transcoding (Sync and Media Optimizer). Slower values will result in better video quality and smaller file sizes, but will take significantly longer to complete processing.
Type: text
Default: veryfast
Allowed Values: ultrafast:Ultra fast|superfast:Super fast|veryfast:Very fast|faster:Faster|fast:Fast|medium:Medium|slow:Slow|slower:Slower|veryslow:Very slow
Group: transcoder (advanced)
TranscoderH264MinimumCRF (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: double
Default: 16
Group: transcoder
TranscoderH264Options (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
Group: transcoder
TranscoderH264OptionsOverride (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
Group: transcoder
TranscoderH264Preset (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
Default: veryfast
Group: transcoder
TranscoderInputTracing (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: transcoder
TranscoderLivePruneBuffer (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 5400
Group: transcoder
TranscoderLogLevel (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
Default: error
Group: transcoder
TranscoderPersistSessionDirs (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: bool
Default: 0
Group: transcoder
TranscoderPhotoFileSizeLimitMiB (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: int
Default: 100
TranscoderPruneBuffer (Hidden)Summary: Amount in past seconds to retain before pruning segments from a transcode.
Type: int
Default: 300
Group: transcoder
TranscoderQualitySummary: Quality profile used by the transcoder.
Type: int
Default: 0
Allowed Values: 0:Automatic|1:Prefer higher speed encoding|2:Prefer higher quality encoding|3:Make my CPU hurt
Group: transcoder
TranscoderStreamingBufferSize (Hidden)Summary: Size of IPC buffer (in bytes) when streaming transcodes.
Type: int
Default: 4194304
Group: general
TranscoderTempDirectorySummary: Directory to use when transcoding for temporary files.
Type: text
Group: transcoder (advanced)
TranscoderThrottleBufferSummary: Amount in seconds to buffer before throttling the transcoder.
Type: int
Default: 60
Group: transcoder (advanced)
TranscoderToneMappingSummary: Transcoded HDR content will appear highly dimmed and desaturated with this disabled. Additional driver components may be needed to support hardware transcoding with this feature enabled; see our support articles for further details.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: transcoder (advanced)
TranscoderToneMappingAgorithmSummary: Algorithm to use when performing HDR tone mapping.
Type: text
Default: hable
Allowed Values: linear|gamma|clip|reinhard|hable|mobius
Group: transcoder (advanced)
TranscoderVideoResolutionLimit (Hidden)Summary: Maximum video output resolution for the transcoder.
Type: text
Default: 0x0
TreatWanIpAsLocalSummary: Treat incoming requests from this network's WAN IP address as LAN requests in terms of bandwidth. This often occurs when DNS rebinding protection is in place and clients on the LAN cannot contact the server directly but instead have to go through the WAN IP address.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: network (advanced)
VaapiDriver (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
Group: transcoder
VaapiKernelDriver (Hidden)Summary: N/A.
Type: text
Group: transcoder
WanPerStreamMaxUploadRate (Hidden)Summary: Set the maximum bitrate of a remote stream from this server.
Type: int
Default: 0
Allowed Values: 0:Original (No limit)|40000:40 Mbps (4k)|30000:30 Mbps (4k)|25000:25 Mbps (4k)|20000:20 Mbps (1080p)|15000:15 Mbps (1080p)|12000:12 Mbps (1080p)|10000:10 Mbps (1080p)|8000:8 Mbps (1080p)|4000:4 Mbps (720p)|3000:3 Mbps (720p)|2000:2 Mbps (480p)|1500:1.5 Mbps (480p)|720:720 kbps|320:320 kbps
WanPerUserStreamCountSummary: Maximum number of simultaneous streams each user is allowed when not on the local network.
Type: int
Default: 0
Allowed Values: 0:Unlimited|1:1|2:2|3:3|4:4|5:5|6:6|7:7|8:8|9:9|10:10|11:11|12:12|13:13|14:14|15:15|16:16|17:17|18:18|19:19|20:20
Group: network (advanced)
WanTotalMaxUploadRate (Hidden)Summary: Speed at which to limit the total bandwidth not on the local network in kilobits per second. Use 0 to set no limit.
Type: int
Default: 0
WebHooksEnabledSummary: Allow this server to send events to external services.
Type: bool
Default: 1
Group: network (advanced)

Getting and changing the settings

The settings listed above that are in a group and are not indicated as hidden can be viewed and changed from the Plex Web app.

To view the settings for all Plex settings, you can send a request to the Get Server Preferences API endpoint.

If you wish to change any setting, you can send a request to the Set a Server Preference API endpoint.

You can use both those endpoints to transfer the settings from one Plex server to another by first sending a request to the Get Server Preferences endpoint to get all the server settings, and then sending requests to the Set a Server Preference to the new server for each of the settings.

Fixing settings issues

If you have issues with your Plex server after changing any of the above advanced settings, such as some Plex server settings missing, you can reset the values back to default by deleting either the preferences file or the keys in the Windows registry.

Deleting the preferences file will reset any changes you have made, and you will also lose any server shares or Mobile Sync items you may have. Your Plex Media Server library database will not be affected.

SysLog option

In addition to the above advanced settings, you can also have Plex enable syslogging on a Linux-based system. This can be done by setting the configuration variable: PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_USE_SYSLOG=true.

The variable will need to be added to the Plex Media Server configuration file. This file is located in the following locations:



Config File Location: /etc/sysconfig/PlexMediaServer



Config File Location: /etc/init.d/plexserver



Config File Location: /var/packages/Plex Media Server/scripts/start-stop-status

Ubuntu 15 (and older)


Config File Location: /etc/default/plexmediaserver

Ubuntu 16 (and newer)

Value: Environment="PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_USE_SYSLOG=true"

Config File Location: /etc/systemd/system/plexmediaserver.service.d/override.conf
